Happy snow day! I hope you are staying warm and cozy today! Here are some activities you can do at home to keep your brain sharp. Ask your parents to send me a picture of what you are doing today on Remind so I can see those first grade smiles!
Love, Ms. Ursino

Snow Day Activities
- Watch this Sci Show Kids Video about icicles and write down 3 things you learned to share with your class.
- Build a blanket fort to read in! Be sure to send a picture to Ms. Ursino!
- What is the temperature today? Find the temperature of 3 other cities around the world and compare them.
- Choose 2 ways to practice your spelling words and/or sight words (write them in the snow, color code, type a list, spell them out loud, put them in ABC order).
- Write an acrostic poem about snow or winter.
- Listen to a story read aloud to you. Visit this link for online options. http://www.storylineonline.net/ Talk to a family member, pet, or stuffed animal about the main characters and setting!
- Visit IXL or Prodigy to practice your math skills and have some fun!
- Cook or bake something with a parent. Help them read the directions and measure the ingredients! Which ingredient did you use the most of? Which ingredient did you use the least? What are some adjectives you can use to describe what you cooked?
- Practice some winter yoga using this yoga video. Winter Wonderland from Cosmic Kids Yoga
- Make a weather prediction. How many inches of snow do you think will fall tomorrow? Write down your prediction in sentence form (“I predict that ___ inches of snow will fall”) and then wait to see if you were right!
- Conduct a weather related science experiment.
- Make a list of verbs that you can do on a snow day! (Don’t forget: a verb is an action word!)
- How much snow did we get? Can you measure the snow in 3 different ways? Use a ruler to measure the snowfall in inches and centimeters. Think about your weather prediction from yesterday. Were you right about the amount of snowfall? Subtract to find the difference in inches between your prediction and the actual snowfall. Was your prediction greater or less than the actual amount of snow?
- Get some exercise with these winter weather brain breaks!
– Winter Freeze Dance
– Winter Run
– This or That Snow Day Exercises - Practice your basic math facts! It’s always great to review! How quickly can you get the correct answers to the math problems in this video? Quiz your parent, sibling or stuffed animal, too. You can even make your own flash cards at home!
- See how many words you can make with the letters in FIRST GRADE! For example, you can use the letters to make STAR and EAT. How many can you come up with? Hint: It might be helpful to write the letters on small slips of paper so you can move them around to see new letter combinations!