Welcome to Second Grade at The Summit
Second grade is such a wonderful educational opportunity! It builds on the new skills introduced in first grade. The students will develop a deeper understanding of concepts, which will enable them to become more academically independent. This independence leads to an increased confidence in their own learning. They will become more comfortable exploring new academic challenges, both on their own, and cooperatively with classmates. The students will become more socially and emotionally adept. They will begin to understand how their choices and behaviors affect those around them and act accordingly. Parents will see so many positive changes, not only academically, but socially and emotionally, as well.
Listed below are several important aspects of second grade, including home and school communication. Please refer to The Summit website, classroom blog, and online school calendar to stay informed of important dates and information. I’m so excited for the year to begin! Our student handbook has been updated. Please take some time to peruse it.
- Mrs. Collins – acollins@thesummitprep.org
- Please subscribe to the class blog- http://www.thesummitprep.org/2nd/
- Summit office phone- 417-869-8077
- Summit office email – frontdesk@thesummitprep.org
- Remind
- Please review the class schedule. Should changes or modifications be needed throughout the year, the schedule will be updated accordingly. Because our curriculum is deeply integrated with science and social studies, we will be mastering many objectives across the curriculum, including math, reading and writing.
- Content area of instruction occurs in a mini-lesson and/or workshop form. This type of instruction allows the teacher to introduce a topic to the class and then conference with students individually or in small, flexible groups as they engage in the learning process and work to complete tasks and enrich their learning.
- School starts promptly at 8:45. Students are allowed to enter the classroom at 8:30. Please make arrangements to bring your student to school no earlier than 8:30 am and pick them up by 3:45, unless you have made arrangements with Fun Zone.
- Students are given frequent bathroom breaks and drink breaks as needed per request and time to wash their hands before lunch and snack. We will be taking extra precautions with sanitizing. Classroom tools and supplies will be sanitized several times a day.
- Students wear Summit uniforms each day, with Jean Day on Friday. Please refer to the student handbook or our website for more information regarding uniforms.
- Tennis shoes are highly encouraged every day and required on P.E. days. Please see the student handbook for additional information.
- Students must bring a backpack and a water bottle to school each day, labeled with their name. We ask that water bottles are filled with water only.
- Remember to dress appropriately for the weather as we will be going outside for recess each day, weather permitting.
Lunch and Snacks:
- Students will have the option to buy school lunch or bring their lunch from home. Students will be responsible for selecting the appropriate option each morning.
- Families are encouraged to send in healthy lunch options, pack items in reusable containers that the child can open independently, bring their own silverware, and limit the number of microwaved items in order to expedite lunch.
- Our lunch time begins at 11:00. This year second grade, first grade and kindergarten will have lunch together either in the common space or outside on the picnic tables. Please make sure your child is able to manage their lunch on their own without support from others. We ask that you send limited lunches
- Each child should bring a healthy snack, water bottle and their Take home folder each and every day. We will incorporate our snack time into our daily schedule.
- While we do not have classroom birthday parties, we would like to celebrate your child’s birthday by allowing him or her to bring a special snack to share with the class. This includes summer birthdays. Please contact me in advance to schedule a day to celebrate. Students will have birthday snacks during our regular snack time, so please bring items that are easily individually distributed.
- In the event that your child will not be at school due to illness or other circumstances, please email me and the office as early as possible. You may also call and leave a message on the school answering machine.
- If your child arrives late, he or she will need to be escorted into the building and signed in at the front desk.
- Please remember that second grade is based on hands-on learning experiences, so often the work missed cannot be made up. I will make sure your child gets caught up with any necessary work when he or she returns to school.
- Please notify me and the office in writing, Remind or email if someone other than a parent will be picking your child up from school, if your child is leaving early, or if your child will be absent.
Friday Folders:
- Friday Folders are sent home each week. They contain important information from the office and student work. Parents are encouraged to review work sent home in the Friday Folder with their child. This is an opportunity to discuss weekly successes and challenges with your child.
- There is a comment form in the Friday Folder. Each week, I will update you on your child’s progress and successes. Please sign this form before returning the folder. Also, feel free to make any comments, questions, or share concerns in the provided space. Please help your child remember to return his or her folder to school each Monday.
- Daily classroom computer use integrates technology with the second grade curriculum. A variety of skills will be practiced using Google Drive and the Internet. Students will be allowed to visit sites under teacher supervision.
- Many websites related to classroom learning will be listed on the second grade blog.
- Students will store their computer at school during the school week and then may take them home on Fridays. It is quite helpful if the computers are returned to school fully charged. Please contact me if you wish to make other arrangements.
- Parents are welcome to add privacy restrictions but we would suggest providing the teacher with the access to pass codes in order to allow certain programs to run.
Field Experiences, Guest Speakers, and Service Projects:
- Field trips are an essential part of the second grade curriculum. We will take the school bus for field experiences and parents will be asked to complete an online form approving costs prior to going. We may occasionally ask for additional parent volunteers to help chaperone or drive. In order to drive, parents will need to have filled out the necessary paperwork and go through the office.
- Parents and other guest speakers are encouraged to come in and speak with the class or assist in organizing service projects.
Curriculum Information:
- Science and social studies curriculum drives the class theme and is integrated throughout the day. Many of these topics will be addressed during discovery learning time. Literature is often a launching point for topic exploration. Students participate in various group and individual projects throughout the year, encompassing many areas of the curriculum.
- Reading workshop consists of many components including individual reading, shared reading, familiar reading and partner reading. Students learn skills and strategies to aid in decoding, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary with the overriding goal being to develop a love of books and reading, thus creating lifelong readers. Reading folders and web-based subscriptions include level appropriate books for individual students.
- Writing is taught in a workshop format, with most of the allotted time devoted to student writing. Students follow the steps of the writing process and learn the traits of writing including ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. Writing folders hold on-going individual works. We will also utilize our writing journals several times a week. Students will type, edit, and revise various works on Google Docs.
- Spelling and word work activities are incorporated in our reading and writing workshops. Students have a weekly spelling list, which will grow in length as the year progresses. They will have a weekly spelling assessment, usually on Friday. Weekly lists, which are student generated, focus on a phonetic rule, pattern, or content vocabulary. We will also assess specific weekly high frequency words and a dictation sentence. Lists are individualized as each student chooses his or her own words.
- Author studies introduce students to different children’s authors. The literature will be used as a format for literature appreciation, writing trait exploration, identification of story elements, vocabulary development, cultural awareness and exposure to a variety of genres.
- Handwriting instruction and practice includes a review of D’Nealian letter formation. D’Nealian writing allows for an easier transition into learning cursive writing. Cursive handwriting will be introduced near the end of second grade.
- Math workshop focuses on the exploration of new concepts, memorization of basic facts, application of principles in problem solving situations, and hands-on manipulation to increase conceptual understanding. Students engage in learning activities, work independently, and integrate math into the school day.
- Character education occurs through everyday interactions as second graders build a classroom community in which each member is respected and valued. We will promote tolerance and respect each and every day..
Home Learning:
- Homework in second grade is intended to be meaningful practice. It is highly individualized and may not look like what is traditionally thought of as homework. As such, the following provide guidelines about home learning expectations.
- Second graders are expected to spend approximately 20 minutes reading independently at home. This is truly a bonding time with your child. Share a book, have a discussion and enjoy this time! Reading aloud to your child is encouraged. It models reading fluency and expression and exposes them to a variety of literature. Shared reading activities help your child feel more confident in their reading abilities. When you are sharing the reading experience with them, they are more willing to challenge themselves.
- Second grade spelling focuses on exposure to common spelling patterns, application of these patterns and high frequency words in our writing. Weekly spelling lists will be recorded at school and stored in your child’s take home folder which will come home each and every day. It is each student’s responsibility to bring the spelling list to and from school for daily practice. Please look over these words with your child during the week and provide support as needed. In class, we will have daily word work time to allow additional practice.
- On occasion, second graders may struggle to complete required work at school. As such, individuals may be asked to take work home to complete it and return it within a specified time frame.
- Second grade students who are struggling to grasp a concept or are in need of extra practice may be asked to complete supplemental activities at home. Please let me know if you feel your child is struggling with a concept, so we can find appropriate activities to provide added support.
- The links on the class blog provides students with access so as to extend learning at home.
I look forward to this new school year! I can’t wait to build a meaningful relationship with your child and watch him/her grow academically, socially and emotionally! To provide the best learning atmosphere possible, parents and teachers must be a community that supports your child’s learning. I look forward to working with you and I thank you in advance for your help and support. We are about to embark on a wonderful adventure!
Angie Collins