3rd Update

We’ve had a busy week in 3rd grade, and I’m excited to share what’s coming up next!

In math next week, we will start part two of fractions in Singapore Math. So far, students have learned how to plot fractions on a number line, compare fractions with like numerators or denominators, and order fractions from least to greatest. This week, we’ll continue building on those skills with new challenges.

In social studies, students are finishing up their Lewis and Clark brochures. They’ve been researching important historical figures like Lewis and Clark, Sacagawea, Thomas Jefferson, and the Louisiana Purchase. We’re looking forward to sharing their projects with you at the trimester celebration.

We will not have spelling this week. Instead, on Monday, we have a special guest from Springfield Environmental Services who will lead us through an exciting online program about using recyclable materials to create instruments. This connects with our heat, sound, and light unit in science.

Culture Day will take place on Friday from the morning through the afternoon. This is always a fun and enriching experience for students!

In writing, students will continue working on their LAD Fair writing entries and spend some time practicing cursive and Typing Club.

We are getting close to finishing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The students are really enjoying the journey through Narnia, and we’re excited to see how the story unfolds.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Summit Preparatory School is a fully accredited, non-religious, private school offering a full-time seated independent education for students in Springfield, Ozark, Nixa, Rogersville, and the greater Southwest Missouri area. Our preparatory school setting offers an enriching early childhood, elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum in a supportive environment. We have state of the art facilities, highly-qualified teachers and staff, and a large range of educational programming. Interested in enrolling your child? Learn more about our admissions process.

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