Classroom Logistics

3rd Grade Classroom Logistics

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Daily Life in 3rd Grade: 

Every morning students unpack their computer and any necessary materials. They will begin with a warm up activity to jump start learning for the day. Third graders will have daily morning meetings to help them wake up and engage with one another. Our morning meetings have different themes and help us build our classroom community and social emotional skills. Students will work collaboratively with their peers in a variety of subjects. They will take short brain breaks and enjoy both a morning and afternoon recess. At the end of the day, they will pack up their items and complete their daily classroom “jobs.”

Snack: Our snack time will be between 9:45 and 10:30 each morning, depending on the specials classes that day.

Curriculum Overview

Language Arts

The third grade language arts program allows students to build on reading, writing, and spelling skills acquired in second grade. Third-graders further develop conventional spelling through more complex spelling rules and patterns and applying them in their writing. In writing students will use figurative language and sentence fluency to respond to different texts. Students will write an opinion piece, an informational text, a fictional narrative, a personal narrative, and a historical narrative. As we read texts we will be finding cause and effect, making inferences, making predictions, and making connections. 


Through the use of manipulatives, hands-on experiences, and problem-solving opportunities, third grade students increase math skills acquired in second grade. Students will learn to multiply and divide and build their math fact recall skills. Throughout the year students will increase their math fluency. Students will continue to expand their geometry skills and learn to find the perimeter and area of shapes. As we continue to study numbers we will begin to study fractions and learn to display data through different types of graphing. Third grade students will build upon prior knowledge in telling time as they learn to tell time to the minute and determine intervals of time. Additionally, they will practice counting money.


Through inquiry-based study, third grade science incorporates hands-on learning experiences that bring science topics to life. Students will be discovering the history of the Earth as we talk about rocks, minerals, and fossils. Third graders will also be talking about the ecosystems of Missouri and the relationship between organisms in different environments. Through the physical science study of energy, we will be studying light, sound and heat. Students will discover and learn how each form of energy travels and characteristics of each type of energy. 

Social Studies

Social studies topics integrate with the third grade theme, “Show Me Missouri.”  Students will learn topography and use those map skills to learn about the different regions of Missouri. Third graders will also be learning about early Missouri history. This topic includes the first Missourians, Native Americans in Missouri, European explorers, the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, European immigrants and settlement, Missouri statehood, and pioneer life.  In addition, students will learn about the state government, Missouri lawmakers, and how state laws are made.


Third grade students will integrate technology into each area of learning. They will demonstrate an understanding and proficient use of technology systems, tools, and telecommunications.  Third graders will practice responsible use of technology systems and information. Students will use technology to enhance learning, creativity, problem-solving, and productivity through research, reinforcement, and enrichment.  Students will use Google Classroom to organize assignments, publish, collaborate, and interact with peers and teachers. Through research, students will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of online resources. Third grade students will present research findings in a variety of methods including slideshows, videos, and typed reports. 

Character Education

Character education in third grade is integrated into classroom interactions as we work together to build a community that values and respects each of its members. They will practice team building, communication skills, and daily social emotional activities. Reaching beyond the classroom, students will participate in a variety of community service projects.