Early Learners have been engaged and curious about all aspects of music class this year! Each day, we begin with Copycat Clapping on the Rainbow Road, followed by circle time, which includes our Hello Song (with lots of movement to help us cross the midlines of our brains), our Copycat Song and solfege singing, and various songs and games. One popular activity is called Put the Beat in Your Feet, in which we use various food words to move between duple, triple, and quadruple rhythms while maintaining a steady beat in our feet. We also have Storytime, when I read/sing a book for which I’ve composed a tune. This enables them to memorize the words quickly, facilitating their reading skills. They are off to a great start!
Mrs. Taylor
Winter Wonderland
I hope everyone had a relaxing winter break. Our Winter Party was enjoyed by all as we made a cute craft, played a turn-taking game