Math Fundamentals – 6th Grade
Students have been sharpening their skills with decimals, focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They’ve been putting these concepts into practice by applying them to real-life money scenarios, helping them understand how math plays a role in everyday financial decisions. This hands-on approach is not only reinforcing their math skills but also demonstrating the practical uses of decimals in the world around them.
Integrated Math – 7th Grade
Students have been working with fractions, honing their skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In addition to mastering these key concepts, we’ve also explored converting U.S. units of measurement. To bring it all together, students applied their knowledge of fractions and conversions to real-world cooking recipes, gaining hands-on experience in how math is used in the kitchen. This practical application not only reinforces their understanding of fractions but also shows how math can be useful in everyday life.
Foundations for Algebra – 8th Grade
Students have been diving into the concepts of scales and conversions, and recently, they took this learning to the next level by comparing scale distance measurements on wall maps and globes. After examining these different tools, they discovered the true distances between cities around the world, gaining a deeper understanding of how scale works in real life. It was an engaging and hands-on experience, enjoy some pictures of the students in action as they explored this important concept!